Sunday, 2 December 2007

lecture note 6

"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."(tim o reill)

web 2.0 characteristics: 1. network and devices as a platform
2. data consumption and remix
3. continuous update
4. rich and interactive UI
5. architecture of participation

web 2.0 changes the corporation and how companies innovate build relationships market and compete.

API: application programming interfaces

MASH-UPS: "a mashup is a web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool; an example is the use of cartographic data from Google Maps to add location information to real-estate data from craigslist, thereby creating a new and distinct web service that was not originally provided by either source"(wiki)

blogger and traditional journalists: can blog replace traditional media?
professional media need to retain?
do we need to help traditional journalists more eddiciently?

traditional media e.g. newpaper, magazine, is widely read by a lot of people in different social class. the advantage of traditional media are easy, cheap and no equipment limit. people can read them in any place. traditional media for example newpaper is cheap and widely issue, but the new media is limit for the equipment, for example, people have to buy a computer to read news.

webb 3.0: "Web 3.0 is a term that is used to describe various evolution of Web usage and interaction along several paths. These include transforming the Web into a database, a move towards making content accessible by multiple non-browser applications, the leveraging of artificial intelligence technologies, the semantic web, the geospatial web or the 3D web. Gartner suggests the need to differentiate incremental changes to Web 2.0 from Web 3.0. Tim Berners-lee coined GGG (Giant Global Graph) as another facet of Web 3.0" (wiki)

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